The Prevalence of Hate Speech in the U.S.: Understanding, Impact, and Responses in Schools
We believe that every individual has a responsibility to challenge hate speech directly, and we aim to educate responsible community members on what to look for and how to respond effectively. This resource is designed to empower educators, school leaders, and community members to take actionable steps toward creating safer, more inclusive spaces for everyone.
Today’s High School Experience and the Role of Trauma-Informed Practices
High school students in the United States today are navigating a complex world filled with unprecedented challenges. The pressures of academic performance, social dynamics, and future planning are compounded by societal issues such as mental health struggles, digital overload, and systemic inequalities. In this climate, trauma-informed practices in high school settings can transform how students feel about themselves, their relationships, and their education.
Trauma-Informed Teaching: Supporting Students during the Holidays
The holiday season is often depicted as a time of joy and togetherness, but for many children, it can be a period of increased stress and emotional upheaval. Students from dysfunctional or trauma-impacted homes may experience amplified feelings of loneliness, anxiety, or instability, making it difficult to focus or thrive in school. For educators, employing trauma-informed teaching practices during the holidays can foster a sense of safety, inclusion, and community, offering much-needed support to students who may lack this at home.
Breaking down the Social Determinants of Health and the correlation to Childhood Trauma
We examine the five key Social Determinants of Health and their connection to childhood trauma through research-backed insights, analyze their long-term effects, and explore how trauma-informed practices from caregivers outside the home can mitigate these impacts.
Free Download: Guide to Neuroception and Childhood Trauma
Understanding how students react to their environment—whether with openness or defensiveness—is critical to creating a trauma-informed classroom. Neuroception refers to the brain’s ability to unconsciously evaluate safety and danger, impacting a child’s emotional and physiological responses. This guide is designed to provide foundational education about neuroception, helping educators understand its intersection with trauma while offering a variety of trauma-informed strategies for creating safe, supportive learning environments.
Proactive Ways to Reduce Burnout as an Educator: A Trauma-Informed Approach
The beginning of a new school year brings fresh faces and renewed energy to classrooms in the U.S. But for many educators, the return to school can also mark the onset of stress and overwhelm as they juggle ever-increasing responsibilities. Burnout among teachers has become a critical issue, with educators experiencing unprecedented levels of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion. NOW is the ideal time to address this, before the demands of the school year reach their peak.
Myth-Busting: Dispelling Common Misconceptions about Trauma-Informed Teaching Practices
Despite growing awareness, several myths persist about what trauma-informed education is and isn't. Let’s debunk some of these misconceptions with insights from experts, providing educators with a clearer understanding of what it means to implement trauma-informed practices in schools.
Free Download: Building Community in the Classroom: A Guide to Connection Circles
Free Downloadable Guide for Educators: Connection Circles are a research-backed strategy for fostering resilience, and directly support Resilient Futures 3 C’s of Resilience. Through consistent engagement in Connection Circles, educators can deepen relationships, promote healthy communication, and create a classroom community that supports equity, emotional well-being, and academic success.
Free Download: Creating a “Peace Place” for self-regulation in your classroom
One effective strategy for promoting self-regulation in classrooms of all ages is the creation of a “Peace Place” —a designated space where students can go to decompress, refocus, and regulate their emotions. Get our free downloadable guide to create a Peace Place in your classroom, plus a set of wall posters and printable Peace Place worksheets!
Prepare for a Trauma-Informed School Year: An Educator Guide
At Resilient Futures, we believe that creating a trauma-informed classroom is essential for fostering a safe and nurturing learning environment. Trauma-informed practices not only help support students who have experienced trauma but also create a more inclusive and understanding atmosphere for all students and Educators. Here’s our Educator Guide to proactively set yourself up for success.
Free Educator Guide: Creating and Facilitating Peer-to-Peer Support Groups in Secondary Schools
Adolescence is a critical developmental period marked by significant physical, emotional, and social changes. Peer-to-peer support groups offer a structured and safe environment where students can connect with others facing similar experiences. These groups provide an essential outlet for sharing, understanding, and supporting one another, fostering a sense of belonging and community.
Free Download: Trauma-Informed Scavenger Hunts for Educators
It's never too early to introduce the foundation of trauma-informed practices, and doing so can set a positive tone for the school year. At Resilient Futures, we've created a set of three versatile Scavenger Hunt games designed for early childhood and elementary school educators. These games are not only fun but also essential tools for introducing trauma-informed practices in the classroom.
Why Trauma-Informed Practices Matter in Higher Education
College students across America face a myriad of challenges that can trigger stress, anxiety, and traumatic experiences. Away from the familiar comforts of home, these young adults rely on their college community for support and guidance. Professors, advisors, and other school employees frequently assume the role of caregivers, becoming the critical support system for students in distress. In such an environment, it is imperative for higher education institutions to adopt trauma-informed practices.
Free Download: Dyadic Listening as a Trauma-Informed Practice
One powerful tool that aligns with trauma-informed practices is Dyadic Listening. This guide explores dyadic listening, why it is a valuable trauma-informed practice, and how it can be implemented in schools and beyond to foster healthier communication and stronger relationships.
The Role of Trauma-Informed Teachers in Modern Education
Discover how trauma-informed teachers create safe, nurturing environments for students affected by trauma. Learn the benefits of trauma-informed teaching and key strategies for fostering supportive, equitable learning spaces.
Finding Trauma-Informed Training for Professionals
Explore trauma-informed training for professionals to better support trauma-affected individuals. Learn about various training formats, their importance, and how to choose the best program for your needs.
Free Download: SEL & Emotional Literacy: Teaching Emotions and Body Sensations
One foundational aspect of emotional intelligence is the ability to name and identify feelings—both mental emotions and those that arise as body sensations. Understanding and normalizing emotions, and being able to articulate them, is essential for healthy development. This free downloadable will help beginners understand these concepts through tools, activities, and reflections.
Best Practices: What Is Trauma-Informed Education
Trauma-informed education creates safe, supportive classrooms by recognizing trauma's impact on learning. Learn how it equips educators with tools to help students overcome trauma and succeed academically.
Racial Trauma: What You Should Know
This infographic delves into the pervasive impact of racial trauma, illustrating how discriminatory experiences and systemic racism shape the lives of children, hinder their development, and perpetuate cycles of adversity well into their adult years. By understanding these far-reaching consequences, we can better advocate for policies and practices that promote healing and equity.
Racial Trauma and Systemic Racism in U.S. Schools: The Need for Race-Based Equity Services and Trauma-Informed Trainings
Racial trauma and systemic racism are pervasive issues in U.S. schools, affecting both students and educators. Racial trauma refers to the emotional and psychological distress experienced by individuals due to encounters with racism, discrimination, and microaggressions. Here we discuss the critical nature of Race-Based Equity Services and Racial Healing practices for BIPOC educators and youth-serving professionals.
Developing Trauma-Informed Teachers
An Educational Book Series from Resilient Futures
[July 2022] Co-edited by Resilient Futures founder Megan Brennan, this volume of the series Contemporary Perspectives on Developing Trauma-Informed Teachers provides reflections, examples, and implementation guidance for the innovative and important ways educators develop and implement trauma-informed practices across their programs, instituting broader curricular shifts to incorporate trauma-informed practices.
[January 2023] Co-edited by Resilient Futures founder Megan Brennan, this volume of the series was driven by a deep desire to ensure that teacher candidates are thoughtfully prepared to more fully address students’ needs and create classroom environments that are safe for students and teachers.
Childhood Trauma:
An event(s) that a child finds overwhelmingly distressing or emotionally painful, often resulting in lasting mental and physical effects.
Many think of trauma as a single life-changing event, but more commonly trauma manifests as a series of events or patterns of abusive or neglectful behaviors that compound over time.
Understanding Childhood Trauma
In the Press
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